Characteristics of works. Ironing straight and shaped, linen, cotton, starched and non-starched linen with electric irons of various systems. Determination of the technological sequence of ironing linen. Determination of the heating temperature of the working surface of the iron in accordance with the type of fabric. Unrolling and stacking damp linen on the table. Regulation of heating temperature of electric irons. Identification and elimination of marriage. Folding clothes in a certain order. Cold rolling of linen with a mechanical or manual roller.
Should know: assortment of linen; types of fabrics and their properties; technological process of ironing linen and cotton linen by hand; the degree of moistening of linen received for ironing; methods for determining the heating temperature of the working surface of the iron for ironing starched and non-starched linen; rules for folding clothes after ironing; device and rules for the operation of irons of various systems; types of ironing tables, their dimensions and requirements for them; spray device for additional moistening of linen; types of marriage and its prevention; the sequence (order) of ironing linen of individual production batches.